Ways to Care for Uniform Clothing Colors

Queenlaundry_Manajemen UMY
1 min readJun 10, 2022


Assalamualaikum, hello everyone. How do you guys wash your uniforms? Is it after washing your uniform that the color of the uniform fades or is something damaged? Here’s how to take care of the color of uniform clothes to keep them durable:

1. Mix warm water with shampoo liquid. The shampoo used can be baby shampoo or other gentle shampoos.

2. Soak first for 10 to 15 minutes and wash them using hands.

3. After finishing the process of washing the uniform clothes, then the uniform is dried in the sun in an area that is not exposed to direct sunlight.

4. After kering, the next step is to iron by turning over. After the uniform clothes are not wrinkled , the clothes are bought back and then folded them neatly.

These are some article for you guys about ways to care for uniform clothing colors

Thank You, Hopefully this article may helps you all…

Happy reading…:)

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